
Yahoo! has APIs for it’s fantasy service, which are documented at The motivation for this package is to provide a convenient front end for these APIs without having to write (a) authentication boilerplate code and (b) code to read and parse the JSON response. In addition, the Yahoo! APIs provide a vast amount of data; this package provides APIs to get at more targeted data and return it in a more consumable format.

This package is structured with a class hierarchy, which offers fantasy information at various abstraction levels:

  • At the top level is the Game class. A game, in the Yahoo! fantasy sense, is individual leagues you are part of – both active and historical.
  • Next comes the League class. This is a particular instance of a game. It represents a particular season and game code that you played in. The league is found by its unique league ID.
  • Next level down in the hierarchy is the Team class. Within a league there are individual teams. The teams can be your own teams that you owned or one of your opponents.
  • Finally at the lowest level are individual players that either exist on a team or are free agents. There is no Player class to represent this level.